靈境追尋(Vision Quest)

靈境追尋Vision Quest







By Malcolm Ringwalt

"You don't have to be a "person of influence" to be influential. In fact, the most influential people in my life are probably not even aware of the things they've taught me."
-Scott Adams-

People have an innate yearning for meaning in their lives, a desire for connection to others, and a need to make a difference in the world. For too many people these desires are unmet, leaving them feeling isolated and frustrated, and that their personal and spiritual efforts don’t have any impact. I sometimes think that this feeling of irrelevance in the world is more painful than the struggle with money or security.

At the same time, you should know that there is more going on in this life than is apparent to our physical senses—and that we make a bigger difference than we realize. The creative life forces behind the scenes have a stronger influence on the course of life events than our actions. To illustrate the power of these unseen forces in our personal lives, I want to share with you something that I experienced in the early 1970’s (some of you have heard this story, but it bears retelling).

I was visiting a friend in New Haven, CT. His wife needed something from the market and he and I went to get it. I decided to wait in the car while he went in. It was one of those cool, clear fall mornings and I wanted to enjoy it.

Shortly, a man in his mid-thirties came out and stood on the porch of the little market for a few moments. He wore blue jeans, a blue work-shirt, and a blue jean jacket. He stood gazing across the street where there was a thickly wooded park. Then, he stepped off the porch, walked to his car and drove away.

That is what happened; a simple moment frozen in time--on the surface, indistinguishable from countless other moments and people who have passed through my life. So what made this encounter so memorable? He stood with a presence that was both unselfconscious and totally at peace. A stillness radiated from him and his eyes were clear and calm. He did not stand there isolated from what was around him, but you could sense he felt connected, part of everything, the center of his world, at peace. I could see it in his posture but also feel in what radiated from him that he was full of something I only dimly recognized, a oneness that I had only sporadically touched in my life.

The power that radiated from him was compelling and my eyes were glued to him while he stood there. He never knew of my presence, never looked my way, and after several moments, he was gone. I never saw him again but the peace, power, and connectedness that radiated off of him awakened a yearning that became the beacon that has drawn me, like a moth to a flame, ever since.

He changed my life by showing me a path that I had long felt drawn to but that I had wandered away from. He showed me that the human spirit is capable of a powerful presence, that peace is possible, and that our impact in life is not about what you “do” but rather who you are. That simple moment of experiencing his presence lifted my awareness, and I became aware of a connection between us. In that way, he taught me that we can be an essential part of everything, not isolated and alone. I have been on that path ever since.

Think of how many people, in the rush of their daily lives, have been touched by his life as I was that morning. The influence is astonishing! I think the same must be true for all of us, and the impact we make. Truth be told, I know nothing about him; but in that moment he made a difference, not because of what he did with his life but because of what he was. What he had wrought inside his heart made a difference that all around him could feel. It shone like the light from a powerful bulb for all to be benefited by. The actions that came out into the world from him were not his real impact, his true gift. Who he was in his heart made the difference.

If he were to read this article, he would not recognize himself as the man the story is about. As you read this are you sure it isn’t about you? Forget the year the story happened for a moment, surely your presence has touched countless people, people you didn’t even notice but who noticed you; who saw in you a quality that stirred something awake in them. It may have been a smile shared with another, the secret pleasure of a memory momentarily arising, an unguarded moment when something you saw captured your heart.

Consider this story not as mine but as the recounting of the voices of countless people who have passed, both noticed and unnoticed, through your life! They describe the impact of your journey through your life, repeated endlessly. You have made a difference here. Yes, what you actually did had an influence, but who you are, who you have made yourself, is the catalyst that has moved life itself.

And every time I tell his story the sphere of his influence grows. I cannot imagine the impact the rest of his life, his actions, have had, but if this was the impact of a simple private moment, which he imagined was unwitnessed and unregistered, the impact of his life must be beyond imagining, and still growing with every retelling of this story. That is your legacy as well.

Malcolm Ringwalt
Founder of the Earthheart Institute of Vision and Healing

"Because everything we say and do is the length and shadow of our own souls, our influence is determined by the quality of our being."
-Dale E. Turner-
